Never grade again.

Never grade again.

Never grade again.

Let your assignments

Let your assignments

Let your assignments

grade themselves.

grade themselves.

grade themselves.

We're on a mission to shape
a new generation of education

Teachers can upload scans of paper submissions, or digital files. Osmos will analyze any format with the same fidelity!

Upload scans of paper submissions, or digital files. Osmos will analyze any format with the same fidelity!

Osmos allows you to review and edit AI results, ensuring that teachers are in the loop. Easily decide whether to override, with Osmos' reasoning displayed

Upload your existing answer key for Osmos to grade with… or have Osmos create it automatically! No more spending a weekend creating answer keys

Frequently asked questions

Explore quick answers to common questions. Need further assistance? Contact our customer support for personalized help!

What is Osmos?

How does Osmos work?

What sort of assignments work with Osmos?

How secure is the user data collected by Osmos?

Can I use this through my whole school?

Osmos in Action!

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A quick walk through of Osmos, or schedule a demo with the team!

Want more details?

Founded in 2023 with a mission to reshape education in the new age of A. Our commitment is to empower educators and institutions by providing the necessary tools, facilitating a shift towards more effective and adaptive educational experiences.

Contact us

We welcome Osmos! If uncertainties emerge, feel free to contact us - we're keen responding to requests within 2 buiness days. More than happy to chat!